/ 作品 Works /
/Accessory/ 2018
十六歲 纏花耳飾 Sixteen
“Sixteen” recalls Tainan’s traditional coming-of-age ceremony to celebrate womanhood. The traditional craft of hand-wrapped silk flowers is a symbol of blessing. Like a blossoming young woman, the form of the rose conveys graceful beauty and youth.
溫柔的飄逐 Tender Shift
/Container, plate/ 2016
“Tender Drift” represents a transition from the memory of old textile to a new form of transformation through using yarn to wrap up daily objects as if making them new clothes with different shapes & colors.
/Installation/ 2016
New Resident No.1 "Welcome"
The work is wrapped by yarn with fake flowers & preserved flowers just like it would never die, continuing the life of this dorm. It’s a new resident here, but its body and soul are from here.
/Water Glass/ 2015
心意 Shiin Yii
「心意」 代表的是一種打從心裡的感謝之心。此作品融入了華人傳統代表福氣與富貴的顏色,也希望收到這份禮物的人也能獲得很好的心情。
"Shiin Yii" means feeling of appreciation from bottle of one's heart. The glasses set uses the colors which present good fortune & wealth in traditional chinese culture, and hope to make people who receive it have good mood.
夕陽之後 After Sunset
/Installation/ 2014
When we watch sunset, we may be happy, upset, or even both of them. The work presents driftwood bask in the sun, leaving a passionate color and a gloomy color, but what kind of emotion will it leave after the sunset?
實驗化 Experimental
/Container/ 2014
不同於作品「線加工」,此系列想要嘗試更多的形狀與顏色的多樣化。透過纏繞紗線在實驗器材上,呈現出活潑的顏色以及新的造型,製造現代又具實驗 感的化學作用。
Different from "Thread Processing," this series wants to try more possibilities of shape and color variability. Through wrapping on experiment containers, it shows lively color and new ways of styling, making a chemistry which is modern and experimental.
架 / 凳 Stannd / Bennch
/Furniture/ 2014
Talking about the relation between "art" & "industry," and "aesthetics" & "practicality," the work combines metal tube & yarn, showing the dialogue between coldness & warmth, and also makes the yarn part not just decorative but also functional.
台南色彩 Color of Tainan
/Furniture/ 2014
與台南老爺行旅The Place Tainan的合作專案,希望將能代表台南的色彩融入客房用的矮桌與座椅,最後並選用在老台南的記憶中常出現的紅磚與鐵窗顏色作結合。
Work project with The Place Tainan, a hotel in Taiwan, it choose colors stand for old memory of Tainan City to combine with short table & chair of the hotel. The colors are capture from red brick & iron window which we usually saw in the old time of Tainan.
線加工 Thread Processing
/Container/ 2014
Use yarn to wrap up containers as the first try, I want to make different shape & color changing. Also, the work includes not just containers which didn't used before but some old ones we had in the past memory of Taiwan, making them "reborn" and become brand new product we can use.