New Resident No.2 "Host"
Texture: yarn, glass
Year: 2016
台灣歷經不同國家的殖民,城市內薰陶了不同文化特色。321巷藝術聚落內的屋舍曾為日治時期的兵工廠宿舍,現為台南在地的藝術駐村的場域,而由成大文創育成與研發中心主持的衛星 Satellite321透過Dutch Design Post介紹,固定會有荷蘭設計師停泊於此,相較於擁有這個空間但並無實際居住在這的台灣人,反而有點像是半個屋主。所以當初在製作這組作品時,希望透過顏色來呈現荷蘭的風格,並結合在日式的外觀,融入這個日本建築空間,因此找尋代表荷蘭顏色的研究資料,以及選用了日本常見的螺紋杯形,擷取這些元素,以台灣設計師(線加工)的觀點呈現設計並製作。
"New Resident" series is a work for Taiwan Dutch Design Post(TDDP), which is a residency exchange program between Netherland and Taiwan, located in Satellite 321 in Tainan City, Taiwan. Satellite an old Japanese dorm in Tainan, hosting many Dutch designers, who came here for design project.
Dutch Designer just like half a host in this place because just them stayed there. Therefore, the work combines of Dutch colors and Japanese shape style, for serving guest who come to there!